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Sunayan Eye Clinic Fundus Exam

Fundus Exam

Fundus examination helps diagnose diseases such as infection or inflammation in the eye that requires treatment to preserve vision. It is a very important test in the diagnosis and management of several medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, raised intracranial pressure among others. Those who have undergone previous anterior segment surgery, previous retinal detachment, have a strong family history of retinal detachment and high myopia are at risk and should come for annual checkups at our institute.
An example, patients with diabetes should have an annual dilated fundus examination to check the retina for signs of diabetic retinopathy that could lead to permanent or difficult-to-treat vision loss. Signs of diabetic retinopathy, which is often a sign of systemic disease associated with diabetes, include bleeding, inflammation, lack of oxygen, and other problems with the retina that can lead to permanent vision loss

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Our experience of more than 16 years of in providing eye checkup, cataract surgery and other procedures to residents throughout West Bengal, India.